
Literature Night 2009

For one night, European capitals including Berlin, Bratislava, Moscow, Paris, Prague, Stockholm, Varsaw and Vienna are simultaneously presenting celebrations of writing and reading literature.

The event took place in the British Library where emerging and established authors from six countries talked about writing and read from their books.

Presented in partnership with EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) London and the European Commission Representation in the UK, the event marks the 2009 Czech Presidency of the European Union.

News from the Czech Literature Portal
Since December 1, 2009 the Czech Literature Portal has its English version, new structure and graphic design. More...

Culture Programme 2007-2013 - Literary Translation Projects 2010
EACEA (Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency)- Culture Programme 2007-2013: Funding opportunities for Literary Translation Projects 2010 More...


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