Clam-Gallas Palace

Husova 20
Ivan Řezáč

Discover with us this Baroque treasure, one of the most fabulous Prague palaces decorated extensively by the Mathias Bernard Braun’s workshop. The magnificent stairway will lead you to an astonishing Marble Hall, the beauty of which was once admired by Mozart and Beethoven…

Saskia de Coster (Belgium-Flanders): Hero

Translation: Magda de Bruin-Hüblová, Pistorius & Olšanská 2008

The heroine of a linguistically playful, yet chilling novel written by the Belgian author de Coster is a maverick girl Lien, who tells a story of her friendship with an autistic boy Marcus. Surrounded by the adult world they create a world of their own, in which children games melt with first erotic experience and strangely innocent cruelty. Years later Lien is tasked with finding a soldier of the same name...

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