St. Cross Rotunda

Karolíny Světlé 21
Taťjana Medvecká

Accept our invitation to the oldest Romanesque rotunda in Prague. Although the first extant written evidence of its existence is from 1365, its origin is dated back to the late 11th century. Tonight its stonewalls decorated by the remnants of the original Gothic frescoes will become witnesses to a magic story-telling...

José Luís Peixoto (Portugal): Blank Gaze (Nenhum Olhar)

Translation: Desislava Dimitrovová, Barrister-Principal 2004

The novel with an atmosphere of a magic-realistic saga comprises two books, which through the stories of Joseph-the father and Joseph-the son render both a spiritual and a physical decline of two generations in a nameless Portuguese village. The hypnotising principle of repetition enhances the mirroring of the eternal circle of life full of fatal passion, suffering and inevitable tragic.

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