
Literature Night will take place in various cities on 16th May. It was first launched in Prague and has now become a European wide event. It promotes European cultural heritage by presenting different writers, well-known and newcomers to the broader European public. Every participating country is represented by a translated piece of a novel, poem or short story, read by well known Irish people at various unusual places, such as churches, museums, pubs or cafes. The public are provided with a map of the readings and venues and it is they who move from venue to venue.


Literature Night will involve many different ‘unusual’ venues in the city such as churches, museums, pubs and cafes, all around the west end of Temple Bar and the Christ Church area. They will all be within walking distance of each other. Each embassy or cultural institute will have its own venue.



České centrum Česká centra E-mail: CCPraha@czech.cz
Václavské nám. 816/49 Web: www.czechcentres.cz
110 00 Praha 1
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