Tomáš Zmeškal: A Love Letter in Cuneiform Script

Translation: Edgar de Bruin, Querido 2012

Tomáš Zmeškal (b.1966 in Prague) studied English and English Literature at King’s College, University of London. He has worked as an assistant teacher at the Charles University in Prague, a language teacher, translator, interpreter and secondary school teacher. Currently he is working on his third novel. He is a member of the PEN Club and lives in Prague. Tomáš Zmeškal has written two novels and a radio play. He was awarded the European Literature Award for  2011 for his novel Milostný dopis klínovým písmem (Love Letter in Cuneiform Script), was nominated for the Magnesia Litera Prize for 2009, awarded the Josef Škvorecký Award in 2009 and landed  2nd place in the Lidové Noviny newspaper ‘Book of the Year 2009’ survey. His book is both a historical novel and a love story, portraying the fate of free generations of one family during the second half of the 20th century. Tomáš Zmeškal was also shortlisted for the Josef Škvorecký Award for 2010 for his second novel Životopis černobílého jehněte (A Biography of a Black and White Lamb) (Source: author’s website).

Tomáš Zmeškal’s debut is a great Czech novel about the 2nd half of the 20th century. The novel is thrilling, historical and full of love.

OBA Amsterdam – Veřejná knihovna Amsterdam

The new library in Amsterdam was designed by the architect Jo Coenen. It is the biggest public library in Europe (28 000 m2, 10 floors) and it opened its doors on the 7th July 2007. There are 1000 reading places, 8000 metres of bookshelves in the public areas, 24 000 metres of bookshelves in the storerooms, plus a literary café, theatre hall and restaurant. It is a very open and airy building, with a magnificent view over Amsterdam. The opening hours are daily from 10am till 10pm, with more than 5000 visitors per day and up to 7000 visitors at the weekends.

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