Authors & Works

Jaroslav Rudiš: Potichu

Translation: Eva Profousová, Luchterhand

Jaroslav Rudiš (1972) will read extracts from his novel Potichu (Quietly), which was published this year in German under the name Die Stille in Prag (Luchterhand, translated by Eva Profousová). Jaroslav Rudiš studied German and history. He has had a number of jobs and is currently working as a journalist and moderator. He received a scholarship to study journalism at the Free University in Berlin between 2001 and 2002. His debut novel Nebe pod Berlinem (The Sky under Berlin, 2002) takes place in Berlin. He has also written a comics trilogy entitled Alois Nebel, along with illustrator Jaromír Švejdík Rudiš. This book was the base for a cartoon movie of the same name, which was released in 2012. A whole number of Rudiš’s books has been translated into German. Alois Nebel will be published in German in 2012.

Edgar Dutka: Waisenhausgasse 5

Translation: Julia Hansen-Löwe, Braumüller Literaturverlag 2011

Edgar Dutka (1941) entered the literary field with his late debut, a book of stories entitled ‘U útulku 5’ (2003), where he tells his personal memories from the time spent in the communistic orphanage. He received the State Price for Literature for his novel Slečno, ras přichází (2004). He has worked as a playwright, film director and screenwriter of animated movies since 1974. He has taught the screenwriting and the history of animation at FAMU (Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts, Prague). He was nominated for the British Royal Academy Price for his animated work and received the Grand Prix Award at the Cannes Film Festival. He lives in Prague.

Edgar Dutka: Waisenhausgasse 5

Translation: Julia Hansen-Löwe, Braumüller Literaturverlag 2011

Edgar Dutka (1941) entered the literary field with his late debut, a book of stories entitled ‘U útulku 5’ (2003), where he tells his personal memories from the time spent in the communistic orphanage. He received the State Price for Literature for his novel Slečno, ras přichází (2004). He has worked as a playwright, film director and screenwriter of animated movies since 1974. He has taught the screenwriting and the history of animation at FAMU (Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts, Prague). He was nominated for the British Royal Academy Price for his animated work and received the Grand Prix Award at the Cannes Film Festival. He lives in Prague.

Edgar Dutka: Waisenhausgasse 5

Translation: Julia Hansen-Löwe, Braumüller Literaturverlag 2011

Edgar Dutka (1941) entered the literary field with his late debut, a book of stories entitled ‘U útulku 5’ (2003), where he tells his personal memories from the time spent in the communistic orphanage. He received the State Price for Literature for his novel Slečno, ras přichází (2004). He has worked as a playwright, film director and screenwriter of animated movies since 1974. He has taught the screenwriting and the history of animation at FAMU (Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts, Prague). He was nominated for the British Royal Academy Price for his animated work and received the Grand Prix Award at the Cannes Film Festival. He lives in Prague.

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