EVALUATION REPORT The Literature Night 2012

The Literature Night 2012/Evaluation report

(shortened version – for the complete version please contact CCPraha@czech.cz)


I.        About Literature Night


This year’s Literature Night, already in its 6th year running, took place on 16 May 16 at the Smíchov Prague 5 quarter. It was organized by Czech Centres in cooperation with the Prague EUNIC (European Union National Institutes of Culture Network) along with the cultural departments of the foreign offices in Prague. Well-known Czech actors presented translations from new European literature in 15 different places in the Smíchov area. The event took place on the eve of 18th International Book Fair and Literary Festival and as part of the European Days.


Apart from Prague, the Literature Night also took place in Kutná Hora, and 22 cities across Europe. The project received the EU financial support within the Culture Program. This will enable us to introduce the Literature Night project in other countries (Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Romania) during the upcoming years.


The Literature Night 2012 follows five successful years of this project and proudly builds on the idea that literature is a unique creative media, which embraces the voices of individuals along with the values of the society they live in. This is the tool for mutual understanding and cultural exchange, which helps to break down barriers of communication. The project aims to bring the current European literature closer to the public in an untraditional way through a series of public reading that took place on one night in attractive and/or not usually accessible places around Prague 5 quarter. During the event, Prague was visited by many popular authors, including Josef Haslinger (Austria), Peter Terrin (Belgium), Roy Jacobsen (Norway), Janusz Rudnicki (Poland), Anna Enquist (the Netherlands) and Michael Kumpfmüller (Germany). The audience also had the opportunity to listen to extracts from the books of two Nobel Prize winners, José Saramago and Mario Vargas Llosa.


The triple attractiveness of the project, i.e. the interconnecting of interesting texts, unusual places and original presentations, supports the aim of the project to create a unique cultural experience for wide public.


Total of 9.000 visitors attended the Prague Literature Night.


II.        Literature Night Abroad / European Literature Night


The following cities took part in this year’s European Literature Night: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, Bucharest, Daruva, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Edinburgh, Yerevan, Kiev, London, Lvov, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Riga, Sofia, Stockholm, Warsaw, Vienna, Žilina.


    III.        Promotion


Media Partners

Seznam.cz, Česká televise (Czech TV), Český rozhlas (Czech Radio Broadcasting), Radio 1, Hospodářské noviny, České noviny, Literární noviny, Marianne magazine, Xantypa magazine, Sanquis magazine, Nový prostor magazine, Pětka, TV5, 90 dní v Praze magazine, Železničář magazine


Press Conferences

May 3, 2012 / Press conference of the 18th International Book Fair and Literary Festival where Jolana Součková was present to introduce the Literature Night 2012.


May 14, 2012 / Art happening and meeting with journalist on the Na Knížecí train station during which a team of artists led by Michael Škapa finished a mural on the walls of the railroad house commissioned by the Literature Night. The event was attended by journalist from TV Nova, TV Metropol, Czech Radio and ČTK.


During the preparation for Literature Night and after the selected reporters were sent a total of 5 press releases.


Literary contest SLOVA VE TMĚ (Words in Darkness)

As part of the promotion for the Literature Night we announced a literary competition SLOVA VE TMĚ (Words in Darkness). Partners of the contest were Příběhy na 50 slov (50 Words Stories) blog and literarni.cz. The jury included: Jolana Součková and Radka Lím Labendz from Czech Centre Prague; Zdenko Pavelka, literary publicist; Ondřej Kavalír editor of the Labyrint revue; Petr Soukup from Literarni.cz, and Zdeněk Král, founder of the Příběhy na 50 slov blog. The winners are: Bianca Bellová, Iveta Havlová, Lidmila Kábrtová a Petr Tomaides.



Thanks to the partnership with Seznam.cz were able to offer all participants a free GPS map application on Mapy.cz.


IV.Literature Night in the Press

May 2012


Xantypa                                 Slova ve tmě, rozhovor s Jolanou Součkovou


Marianne                               Noc literatury 2012



Časopis Pětka                      Noc literatury bude ve vagonu i v pivovaru


May 4, 2012

Mladá fronta DNES              Česká centra inspirují další země Evropy


May 10, 2012

Reflex                                    Čtení pod hvězdami

Labyrint kultury                      http://www.reflex.cz/clanek/46217/cetni-pod-hvezdami


May 15, 2012

TV Metropol                          Blíží se Noc literatury, zastávka Na Knížecí je plná street artu



Novinky                                  Metropoli ovládne čtení během Noci literatury a Světa knihy http://www.novinky.cz/kultura/267591-metropoli-ovladne-cteni-behem-noci-literatury-a-sveta-knihy.html


Deník.cz                                 Sprejeři nemusejí škodit. Na zapadlé zastávce podporují čtení knih http://prazsky.denik.cz/zpravy_region/sprejeri-nemuseji-skodit-na-zapadle-zastavce-podporuji-cteni-knih-20120515.html


České noviny                       Noc literatury 2012 na Smíchově



May 16, 2012

ČT24                                      Noci literatury je do Smíchova



ČRo 1 – Radiožurnál           Noc literatury 2012, interview with Jolana Součková

Zprávy o šesté (News at 6)                 


Rozhlas.cz                            Noc literatury představí v Praze a Kutné Hoře nejnovější evropská díla

Literatura                                http://www.rozhlas.cz/_zprava/1060175


                                               Šestý ročník Noci literatury navštívilo více než deset tisíc posluchačů

Zprávy                                   http://www.rozhlas.cz/zpravy/literatura/_zprava/1060317


Týden                                    Noc literatury: známí herci odhalí kouzlo knih



České noviny                        Pražský Smíchov ožije večer a v noci literaturou



Česká pozice                         Czech Literature Night Goes European                              



May 17, 2012

Ihned.cz                                 Herci předčítali v pivovaru nebo v tiskárně za plného provozu





IV.        Advertisements


Thanks to media partnerships we got a full page advertisement in the Hospodářské noviny daily (value 250.000 CZK); Nový prostor, Sanquis, and Xantypa magazines, and the catalog of the 18th International Book Fair and Literary Festival.  Partial advertisements were published in 90 Days in Prague, České noviny and Literární noviny.


Literature Night adds at promotional screens of selected Metro stations, Prague Municipality and Švandovo Theater.


By partnering with the Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy (The Prague Public Transport Company) the   Literature Night leaflets were available in selected metro stations.


Posters were placed in selected places around the city center and in Smichov area as well as in all the reading and partner locations 10 days before the event.


     V.        Web a Facebook


Web page visitors:


Unique visitors

Number of visits


Jan 2012




Feb 2012




Mar 2012




Apr 2012




May 2012








The number of unique visitors increased by 3,707, the number of site visits by 8,855, and the total number of clicks increased by 49,921 in comparison with the same time period in 2011.


A new Literature Night Facebook profile www.facebook.com/Noci.Literatury was created in October 2011 that will be able - unlike the previous profiles - used permanently. The profile obtained 915 fans from October 21, 2011 until May 30, 2012.

      I.        Final Evaluation


Since 2009 the Literature Night has become a regular TOP event in the culture diary of the capital city of Prague. The reputation of the project and active cooperation of the participating cultural institutes, EUNIC clusters, partners in the Czech Republic  and worldwide, brings more and more visitors and attracts higher expert interest across the board. It also supports successful spreading of the project into other European countries.

Thanks to the inspiring cooperation of the participating bodies of the project – cultural institutions and embassies representing their countries in Prague and thanks to the invaluable support of all local partners, the project was successfully organized in Prague and compared with previous years it received higher numbers of visitors and bigger attention of the media. The cooperation with a book fair and Book World festival Prague, which invites the authors presented at the Literature Night, has, as always, proved to be fruitful.

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České centrum Česká centra E-mail: CCPraha@czech.cz
Václavské nám. 816/49 Web: www.czechcentres.cz
110 00 Praha 1
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