György Dragomán: White King

Translation: G. Magová, Kalligram 2008

Romania in the year of the Chernobyl tragedy. The secret police of Ceausescu drugs takes the father of little Džátá. This means the end to care-free childhood of the main hero, who, in a pathetic and yet moving way, tries to replace the husband with the mother, hiding his own troubles and bullying he experiences at school. The faith in his father’s return gets weaker every day, but in the end…

Gyorgy Dragomán – Hungarian writer and translator born in Transylvania. The author of the novel White King, which has been translated into 28 languages. The story takes place in Romania.

Zahrada (Garden) – Centre of Independent Culture

Juraj Jamrich

Zahrada – is a non-profit organisation founded in 2005 originally as Divadlo z Pasáže receiving its current name after moving into new premises in the garden of Beniczka pasáž in 2010. Currently it runs premises in the centre of Banská Bystrica and serves as a multifunctional theatre studio with a year-round dramaturgy as well as a relax zone – with a public park and opportunities to organize outdoor cultural events.

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