Authors & Works

Jaroslav Rudiš: End of Punk in Helsinki

Translation: Teťjána Okopná

The novel is following the stories of two characters – a pubertal punker girl growing up in the period of decaying socialism in the frontier town of Jeseník and of an aging bar-owner Oleho from an East-German town at the turn of the millennium. Their lives are fatally crossing after a concert of the music group Die toten Hosen.

Petr Šabach: Gówno się pali

Translation: Teťjána Okopná

A contemporary Czech writer, a follower of the Hrabal tradition. He studied at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague. He worked as a technical editor in Pragokoncert, a methodologist of a cultural house, night watchman at the National Gallery, during the years 1988 – 2001 a specialist of the City Gallery of Prague. Since 2001 he has been a freelance writer, leading simultaneously a seminar of creative writing by the Literary Academy of J. Škvorecký. Several successful films were shot on base of his literary work, namely Šakalí léta (The Jackal Years), Pelíšky (Cosy Dens) and others.

Petr Placák: Fízl

Translation: Teťjána Okopná (the book has not been published in Ukraine)

Petr Placák (1964) studied to be a mechanic and was accepted to the Technical University in Prague in 1985; however he was not allowed to study due to political reasons. He played the clarinet in the Plastic People of the Universe band (Hovezí Porážka and Půlnoční Myš). Following Autumn 1989, he worked in the Independence Press Centre, weekly Respect and several newspapers and magazines (Necenzurovane noviny, Český týdeník, Lidové noviny). He has been the chief editor of Babylon, the student political-cultural monthly, since 1995 and the chief editor of publishers of the same name since 2001. He studied history at the Philosophical Faculty of the Charles University in Prague (1992 – 2000), debuting with his novel Medorek (published in 1985 in samizdat and in Lidové noviny publishers in 1990), for which he received the Jiří Orten Award. He received the Magnesia Litera Award in 2008 for his book Fízl.

Jan Balabán: Povídky

Translation: Hana Veličko (the book has not been published in Ukraine)

Jan Balabán (1961-2010) graduated in Czech and English Studies from the Philosophical Faculty of the Olomouc University of Palacký. After graduating he worked as a technical translator in Vitkovice Ironworks and also as a freelancer (for instance he translated the books by H.P. Lovecraft and T. Eagelton). He received the Magnesia Litera Award (in memoriam) for his book Zeptej se táty (Book of the Year Category).

Daniel Kaiser: Disident Václav Havel

Translation: Teťjána Okopná, nakladatelství Tempora, 2012

Daniel Kaiser (1971) studied German s Studies and History at the PF UJEP in Ústí nad Labem and International Studies at the Philosophical Faculty, Charles University in Prague. He got his first job in Lidové noviny newspaper and later, during his work on the book, he worked as an editor for BBC Czech broadcasts (2001 – 1006). He spent long periods of his life in Great Britain and Germany. For the last three years he has been once again working for Lidové noviny.

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