Foglar tower VRV

Nábřežní 4, praha 5
Vladimír Javorský

Smichov’s water tower is known first and foremost as the home of the club, Folgarovy Dvojky (Folgar’s Number Two). It is therefore that this building can also evoke the settings of the adventurous stories from Folgar’s books. This renaissance building, erected in the years 1581-1584, served, according to a report from 1686, 56 Prague fountains. The tower is the lowest and the most picturesque of Prague’s water towers and stands on the smallest island in Prague. It was to that very spot that Franz Kafka went to swim.

Michael Kumpfmüller: Die Herrlichkeit des Lebens

Translation: Věra Koubová, Mladá fronta 2012

In 1923, on a therapeutic visit to the Baltic Sea, Franz Kafka, then an author known only to a small circle of readers, met the twenty-five year old cook, Dora Diamantová. And within a few weeks he chose for himself something that he had until then considered impossible: a shared life as a couple, and what’s more, in turbulent and hyperinflation-afflicted postwar Berlin.

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