Lycée Français de Prague

Drtinova 304/7, Praha 5
Matěj a Kryštof Hádkovi

In its very essence the French Lyceum in Prague fulfills the mission of Czech Centre - because it works to promote French as well as Czech culture. Its building has a rich history. In the 19th century it housed a convent and an asylum for the Congregation of the Merciful Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo. During the communist years, its chapel was remodeled into a basketball court and was seriously damaged in the process. The building served as a police commissariat during this period. Listen to a passage from the work of Boualem Sansal that perfectly complements the atmosphere of the French Lyceum, which is located in the former chapel.

Boualem Sansal:  Le village de l’Allemand

Translation: Kateřina Vinšová, Pistorius a Olšanská 2012

Rachel and Malrich Schiller are half Algerian on their mother’s side and German on their father’s, yet they live in a Parisian suburb. After their parents are murdered by Islamists, the elder Rachel returned to Algeria to visit the villiage of her birth. There, however, she discovered a shattering truth, that her father served as a high officer of the SS in extermination camps.

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