HUB - Co-Working

Drtinova 10, Praha 5
Bára Hrzánová

As a setting for literary readings, the atmosphere of Prague’s HUB might just facilitate the inception of innovative and creative thoughts - after all, it is right on the premises of HUB that meet and work independent professionals, novice entrepreneurs, and representatives from companies and the nonprofit world - in short, everyone who takes part in the development of socially beneficial activities.

Melinda Nadj-Abonji: Tauben fliegen hoch

Translation: Lucy Topožská, Jota 2011

In a Chevrolette with Swiss tags the Kocsis family arrived at their home villiage of Vajvodina in the north of Serbia. In the villiage everything was at first glance as it had been earlier: mother is still here, they drink Traubi soda, and weddings are celebrated exhuberantly. Evenso, the idyll has cracks. Tito died three weeks earlier. Father and uncle argue ever more aggresively about politics…

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