Jazz Dock

Janáčkovo nábřeží 2, Praha 5
Daniela Kolářová a Emil Viklický

The modernist building of the Prague music club, Jazz Dock, also offers a very stylish setting for listening to literature. The club is exception not only for the adaptability of its interior spaces, but also for its musical focus on the best jazz and blues, and its support for composer-performers and newly formed bands. The location of the building on the banks of the Vltava, with views of the functionalist Manes gallery, the neoclassical National Theater, and boats passing by, promises an extraordinary experience. Read more about Jazz Dock at www.jazzdock.cz.

Anna Enquist: Contrapunkt

Translation: Magda de Bruin Hüblová, Mladá fronta 2011

Nothing is more painful than the loss of a loved one. And nothing is more devastating than the gradual fading of memories of the dead. After the tragic death of her daughter, a mother does not want to accept that time dissolves memories once so alive. Only once she begins to study Bach’s “Goldberg Variations,” to interpret its score and to play the composition, does a bridge to her deceased daughter appear in music.

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